Jedan od dokaza tomu jest da je, primjerice, naš Hotel Mursa u 2008. godini imao nešto manje gostiju, ali ostvarili smo znatno više noćenja, što je dokaz da turisti imaju sve više razloga duže se zadržati, kaže Ivanka Dunković, te dodaje kako ... PODACI HZZO-A U OSJEČKOJ ŽUPANIJI SMANJUJU SE IZOSTANCI S RADNIH MJESTA ZBOG BOLESTI. Tri tisuće radnika u šest mjeseci 2010. godine bilo je na bolovanju ? Na pčelarski sajam u Gudovac dolaze i Finci. POSKUPJELI KAKAOVAC I ŠEĆER ...
$6.2B. (PR); Starwood Hotels& Resorts Worldwide (HOT): Q2 EPS of $0.22 beats by $0.05. Revenue of $1.2B (-23%) in-line. Issues downside guidance: sees Q3 EPS of $0.06-0.10 vs. $0.21 consensus, FY '09 EPS of $0.65 vs. $0.76 consensus. ..... In addition to a modest experience in investing, Gudovac has owned and directly managed a handul of heavy manufacturing companies,... More. Blog: Gudovac1941. GS is of course front running - Where are the customer's yachts ? ...
Gudovac is willing to forgive Management for this potential waste of capital and talent. In family run Enterprises, these tangential forays are to be expected. They provide a venue for siblings and cousins to operate constructively but ...